Tuesday, April 27, 2010


First off, check out CIA's website before they change it... If you look to the left, you'll see a still from my animation. And just in case they change it before you see, check it out here:

They even have some info about our show on the blog:
I was really excited when I came across that this morning. It's been one of my goals to get my work on the home page before I graduate.

Anyway, the show, which [animation machine & TIME professor] Kasumi & [Mather Dance Center art director] Gary named "koriARTica" went amazing. Considering all of the mayhem that has been going on, I was very pleased. The video worked. Our projection looked awesome. Rachel danced beautifully. And Josh, the composer of our music, was there to see it! 

It was really great in the end, to know that 3 students from 3 different institutions (The Cleveland Institute of Art, The Cleveland Institute of Music, and Case Western Reserve University) were all able to contribute. And we all got great feedback! I was pleased with my animation. Rachel is an amazing dancer. And Josh is incredibly talented.


Now back to work to get ready for two final critiques tomorrow.

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