Thursday, April 29, 2010

Almost done!

Have you had a chance to watch my new animation? Or is it animations? I'll explain more about that later. Right now, I wanna keep you guessing. So, are you curious?

I had my last studio critique for the semester today. Now I just need to get together some papers to hand in for my English final tomorrow. And then...I will be free! Granted, I'll be sticking around for another week to attend the BFA reviews, but after 12pm tomorrow, I will be officially done with the spring semester!

I'll also be working on getting some more of my new animations online. I'm thinking about upgrading to a Vimeo Plus account. What do you think? It might just be worth it just to avoid the hassel of rendering and re-rendering with different compressions.

By the way, I am in love with the illustrations and pattern designs of Alyssa Nassner lately. They're so quirky! I think I'll have to do a whole post just about her amazing illustrations shown on her blog!

Not to mention, her color palette is absolutely charming!

Alright, time for me to finish up getting grant proposals and exhibition reviews together. Hooray. Haha, hope your night is a little more exciting than mine!

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